Date & time of publicaiton:2022-11-07 Views:1584次



【关 键 词】民俗志;风俗志;地方志;文人笔记;民俗志诗学

The Historical Development and Stylistic Characteristics of Folkloric Ethnography  

Wang Xiaobing, Chen Kejin

Abstract: Scholars once generally thought that the term "Folkloric Ethnography" was an imitation or reconstitution of “Ethnography”. Actually, the form, content and function of such texts distinctly  present Chinese local characteristics. In ancient China, there was not only the concept of Minsuzhi(Folkloric Ethnography), but also a long tradition of writing customs. This folkloric literature can be roughly divided into two sorts. One is historic records, which is characterized by the formalization of writing and the invisibility of authors. Its representative types include “Custom Records”, “Terroir Records”, “Scenery Records”, “Geography Records”, etc. The other is the literate’s notes, and the presence of “I”, and the profound subjective sensibility and the perspective of everyday life embodied in it coincide with the concept of modern folkloric ethnography writing. With the establishment and development of the discipline of Folklore Studies in the 20th century, three kinds of folkloric ethnography, namely “Chorographic Folkloric Ethnography”, “Scientific Folkloric Ethnography” and “Propagative Folkloric Ethnography” were formed. They have different functions, writing modes and styles, but influence each other. Chinese folklorists have been reflecting on the paradigm of folkloric ethnography writing and carrying out the practice of new style works. On the one hand, it symbolizes a response to the modern academic concepts of folklore, on the other hand, it shows signs of a return to the native Chinese tradition of folkloric poetics.

Key words: folkloric ethnography; custom records; chorography; literate’s notes; folkloric poetics