Date & time of publicaiton:2023-11-20 Views:453次




Perspectives and Methods: Research on Panhu Myth in Japan

Mao Qiaohui, Wang Qing

Abstract: In the early 20th century to the 1940s, the Panhu myth and related literature, as a cultural case and part of Chinese national history, attracted the attention of scholars from Europe, America and Japan. The investigation of Southeast Asia and areas where ethnic minorities lived in southern China by western missionaries under the global colonial system, the rise of Oriental studies in Japan, and the discovery of the Laurisilva Culture and Jyoumon agriculture culture, have promoted the transnational, trans-ethnic, and cross-cultural research on the Panhu myth. Research on Panhu myth in Japan belongs to its Oriental studies knowledge system, based on the ecological geography of East Asia and the Laurisilva Culture, focusing on the worldviews, ecological views, and identity of the mountainous ethnic groups of China and Japan around Panhu. In terms of research methods, it emphasizes the close reading of Yao documents to explain the inherent connection between writing and political power, historical memory. As an important part of the academic history of Panhu myth, the history of Japanese Panhu myth research is of great significance to learn the influence of Panhu myth from a holistic perspective, providing a valuable perspective and dimension for the study of Chinese minority ethnic literature.

Keywords: Japanese folklore literature, minority ethnic literature, Oriental studies, mythology