Date & time of publicaiton:2023-03-15 Views:1095次




The Folklore Macroscope: Challenges for a Computational Folkloristics

Timothy R.Tangherlini

Tran. Li Yang, Qiao Yingfei

Abstract: Folklorists are poised on the cusp of an exciting new era. The digital revolution has swept over the field of folklore, vastly increasing the amount of accessible research material. To take advantage of these changes, folklorists must develop consistent methods for digitizing, storing, retrieving, displaying and interpreting these materials. Computational methods for the study of traditional culture can help us address these issues, and are essential for the future success of our field. In this essay, I present some of the main challenges for a computational folkloristics, and propose some preliminary approaches to addressing these challenges.

Keywords: computational folkloristics, archives, research methods, future of the  discipline, digital humanities