Date & time of publicaiton:2019-04-08 Views:2666次


【内容提要】十三行与清代戏曲的关系,无论对于十三行研究还是戏曲史研究都是一全新的话题。事实上,发端于15世纪末的“全球化”浪潮,19世纪愈发强劲;作为中西唯一贸易枢纽长达近一个世纪的十三行,是“全球化”与清代中国的重要连结点。以往的戏曲史研究往往对清代所处的国际政治、军事、经济等因素考虑不足,考证十三行与清代戏曲的关系,既为“全球化浪潮中的清代戏曲”这一以往被忽视的面向做出尝试性探索,也为理解十三行在清代社会、文化、政治中扮演的角色提供了一个独特的视角。 

A Study of the Relationship Between the Thirteen-hong Merchants and the Chinese Opera 

in the Qing Dynasty

Chen Yaxin

Abstract: The relationship between the Thirteen hong and Chinese opera in the Qing Dynasty is a completely new topic in both Thirteen hong studies and opera history studies. In fact, the “globalization” wave that began in the late 15th century became even stronger in the 19th century. As the only trading hub between China and the West for nearly a century, the Thirteen hong were an important link between “globalization” and Qing Dynasty China. Previous studies on Chinese opera history often neglected to consider the international political, military, and economic factors of the Qing Dynasty. Examining the relationship between the Thirteen hong and Chineses opera in Qing Dynasty is not only an attempt to explore the previously overlooked aspect of Chinese opera in Qing Dynasty in the wave of “globalization”, but also a unique perspective for understanding the role played by the Thirteen hong in Qing Dynasty society, culture, and politics.

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